Tryout times and locations set!

Tryouts for next seasons Baseball Academics Midwest teams will take place at both Covenant Christian High School and Hummel Park. We will conduct tryouts on both Saturday, July 29, and Sunday, July 30 with a $20 tryout fee, payable on site at the day of the tryout. Tryouts times can be found below. Please follow the link to pre-register for the tryout. This will save you time at the door and allow us to be prepared for a specific number of players to put through a workout. Thank you!
Baseball Academics Midwest is an elite level travel program based out of East Central Indiana and focused on player development and exposure. We fully believe that personal and player development should not be sacrificed in the attempt to win baseball games, and that coaches should seek to create young men of character and skill.
Our program includes off-season and in-season practices, the Jaeger Band program (bands and long toss), Speed & Agility, Yoga, and Baseball Academics (defensive situation training). We have designed this program to give players a well-rounded understanding of baseball and the hard work that it takes to excel at the next level.